
Hong Kong is a city pulsing with creativity at every corner — from neon signs lighting up chaotic streets to graffiti advertisements calligraphed on the walls of dim alleys. Taking our city as inspiration, Carnaby Fair proudly presents SUB(X)TURE, a multimedia showcase featuring 6 creatives from various fields, done by Ernest Chang, The Plumber King, DaddyBoy, SIUKINS, Elphonso Lam, and Neonlite. Taking in the majestic, the mundane, and everything in between, their diverse artworks hold an irreverent yet touching mirror to the very heart of Hong Kong.

Exhibition Helper | Printing Arrangement | Logo Design

Project by Carnaby Fair | Curated by Carnaby Fair

G11 & G24, G/F, K11 Art Mall, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong (K11 Art Mall)

Exhibition period
18 August, 2022 - 18 September, 2022

Article by Curator
Media Shout out


8x12 by Floor_


Colour Exploration: Adam & Eva